

Some Important One Word Substitution Notes Part-1 | General English Notes For Bank Exams

Some most important One words substitutions Notes for Bank Po,clerk,Ibps,SBI PO 2017
SBI PO 2017 notes in Hindi and English pdf file
fear of being in open space-agoraphobia
fear of books- Bibliophobia
Fear of snakes- Ophiophobia
Fear of water- Hydrophobia
Fear of a dead Body-Nacrophobia
Fear of animals-Zoophobia
Fear of height-Aerophobia
Fear of home surroundings-Ecophobia
Fear of oneself- Autophoby
Fear of foreigners-Xenophobia
fond of much alcohlic drink- Bibulous
A person who is foolishly fond of one's wife-Uxorious
A funeral rite-obsequies
A girl/women who flirts- Coquette
A hater of new things-Misoneist
A bad smell or taste-Foul
Helpful but not an Essential part-Accessory
A holy or sacred place-Sanctuary
That which cannot be altered-Irrevocable
Killing of large numbers of defenceless people-Massacre
The murder for political reasons-Assassination
The murder of one's sister-sorocide
The murder of one's husband- Mariticide
The murder of one's wife- Uxoricide
A large retail store-Emporium
A large destruction by fire- Holocaust
A love of animals- Philozoic
A lover of arts- Philotechnic
A lover of dogs- Canophilist
A lover of god- Philotheist
A list of explanation of difficult words- Glossary
A legal enquiry to find out faults-Inquisition
Honesty and uprightness of character-Integrity
A group of talkative girls or women- Gaggle
A bad smell or taste- Foulthank you guys keep visiting daily 

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